It can be said that patents are the key to sustaining innovative products and patent law is certainly an active area of legal practice in the U.S. But the U.S. Patent and Trademark office has been overwhelmed and undermanned. Could the Peer-to-Patent system be the answer? Co-Host Bob Ambrogi welcomes Professor Mark Webbink, Executive Director of the Center for Patent Innovations, a research and development arm of New York Law School's Institute for Information Law & Property and Attorney Stephanie Scruggs, an expert in patent litigation from the firm of Hanify & King, to take an in-depth look at the innovative Peer-to Patent system, that employs a crowdsourcing and open source model using experts in the patent process.
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Peer-to-patent certainly offers an intriguing partial solution to the PTO backlog and improving efficiency in today's patent law. Nonetheless, the USPTO must shoulder its responsibility of catching up with current technology and market demands. Let's hope Kappos helps turn that ship around.
Posted by: Gena777 | October 19, 2009 at 07:35 AM